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Grant Hunter is an artist and illustrator who is trying really hard but probably isn't talented enough to get anywhere with it. He completed a BFA at The University of Newcastle and also a Diploma in Cartooning and Illustration from The Australian College of Journalism.His favourite things to draw are naked monster girls, gloomy superheroes, native marsupials, squirrelly psychedelic lines, OCD circles and hypercolour nightmare landscapes. He did a cover for Cyclic Defrost Magazine, and album covers for new Weird Australia, Alps and TheDownGoing. He sometimes plays music in bands like Crab Smasher, Polyfox And The Union Of The Most Ghosts, Anal Discharge, and Fairy Mountain. He co-founded ARThive gallery in 2009. www.granthunter.net

Sarah Mould likes to draw and paint and screenprint and make things. She likes some other stuff too. Stuff like books and movies and foods and robots and tea and music and flowers and pets and other peoples junk and coffee and comics and bread tags and bikes and love letters and monsters and teeth and picnics and homes and dresses and cartoons and bed time and adventures. She generally prints, paints and draws girls and boys and animals that despite her best intentions usually end up looking like a sleepy mix of cutesy and cat aids. www.sarahmould.net

Gallery assistant
Jessica Louttit (aka Jessica Fuhgetabouttit, an alter ego postulated by a weird surname & a penchant for mobster films) is a self-opinionated, twenty-something year old originating from The Country Music Capital of Australia. In the grand tradition of ex-art students who are too poor & nomadic to finish their degrees she spends her time making space in her head for all her crazy ideas whilst chain-smoking, running the Excuse Me Sir, Yr Making A Zine team out of her bedroom & sewing tiny stuffed animals embracing bad stitching, crooked limbs & un-even facial features for her Jessica Fuhgetabouttit Has A Plush On You collection. Jessica also enjoys mix tapes, taking snap shots, screen printing, painting, drawing, Larry David, drawing pictures of Larry David, filmmaking & stroking her boyfriend's beard. www.titparty.tumblr.com

Gallery assistant
Adam Clough doesn't know where he's from, only where he's been. He draws, paints, performs, and makes movies. Sometimes yoghurt gets caught in his moustache.

Gallery assistant

Shana has a love for creating photographic series which are influenced by fairytales, poems, dreams and her ongoing passion of silent films. Each series of photographs evoke a sense of mystery and theatre engaging the emotional use of darkness and light. Shana’s distinct style brings you into a world of the imagination and dream. Shana is also creative in other ways. In her spare time she is a gallery assistant at ARThive, makes divinely fragranced eco-friendly soy candles (sold exclusively at Blackbird Corner on Darby St) and practices tribal fusion bellydance, a contemporary dance form that takes stylisation from a variety of cultural dances and time eras.

Gallery assistant (2009-2011)
Angus Arley is a myth, wrapped in an enigma, shrouded in cloud, smothered in dianne sauce and sprinkled with nuts. The undisputed tallest member of the ARThive family, this prodigal son helped co-found the collective and gallery in 2009. After racking up a large HECS debt, 'Gus' is teaching the youth of the Hunter and sharing his creative skills. A modern renaissance man, AA dapples in sport, food, art, design and music. He enjoys peeling out a schnappy design, a solid acoustic set, drawing vikings in odd places and skinny men with pot bellies, taking photographs from odd angles and generally being too caught up with his life to share them properly on his blog. www.angusarley.blogspot.com

Co-Director (2010-2011)

Rose Turner is the youngest member of ARThive and also knows the least about the internet, television and Pop Culture. It's pretty embarrassing. However she can tell you about paleoanthropology and magnets and poison and all the non-sexy stuff about pornography. Which is sort of neat. Rose is a painter, primarily big fat nudes and portraits. Her bodies are generously proportioned, like decedent fleshy desserts, full of digits and genitals. She would ultimately like to make people feel electrified and ashamed in the same moment. Gerald Durrell is her hero. www.rroseselave.blogspot.com

Director (2009-2010)
Simone Sheridan went to The University of Newcastle for a number of years, majoring in Printmaking but with a secret passion for photography, ended up doing Honours in Art Theory! Simone's broad mix of interests is evident by her expansive exhibition experience; starting in photography and printmaking but making a shift towards collaborative, interactive and performance works. Her favourite artwork to-date involved a housewarming party for The Fishbowl, a typewiter, stolen red paper and lots of rumours. www.simonesheridan.wordpress.com